Today On The Ed Schultz Show

Big Eddie broadcasts from flood ravaged Fargo, ND.

Howard Fineman, Chief Political Correspondent for Newsweek, joins the 1st hour of Today’s show to discuss the $20 million bonus for former GM head Rick Wagoner.

Rep. Gary Peters, D-MI, joins the 2nd hour of Today’s show to discuss the impact on Fiat-Chrylsler deal to factory workers.

Jared Bernstein, Chief Economist to the Vice President, joins the 3rd hour of Today’s show to discuss the Obama Auto Task force.

Today On The Thom Hartmann Show

Hour 1: ”Hillary: The Movie” is before the US Supreme Court – Is banning “Hillary: the Movie” the same as banning books? Thom mixes it up with filmmaker David Bossie of Citizens United

Hour 2: Will we all be speaking Chinese soon? Journalist/author Eamonn Fingleton joins Thom to talk about his important new book “In the Jaws of the Dragon: America’s Fate in the Coming Era of Chinese Hegemony

Hour 3: Could it happen here too? Spanish Judge to hear torture case against 6 Bush officials – Thom speaks with Constitutional Law Professor Marjorie Cohn

This Morning On The Stephanie Miller Show

Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) calls in at 7:30am to talk about President Obama’s Afghanistan and Pakistan plans.

President Obama announced yesterday that struggling automotive giants General Motors and Chrysler will be given a “limited” period of time to “restructure in a way that would justify an investment of additional taxpayer dollars.” GM will be given 60 days to develop a better recovery plan and Chrysler will be given 30 days to complete a merger with Fiat.

President Obama leaves today for his first presidential trip across the Atlantic. He will first attend a summit of the world’s economic powers in London to address the global financial meltdown, and he hopes to convince European allies that his administration can improve the economy and the U.S. image.

President Obama made a strong pitch for his budget to House Dems in a closed-door meeting last night, arguing that the budget includes key components to turning around the ailing economy. He also told them that voting for the measure was good politics for Dems on the Hill.

Conservationists claimed one of their most significant victories of the new administration yesterday as President Obama signed sweeping land reform legislation designating 2 million additional acres of public wilderness areas, the highest level of governmental protection from logging and other development.

Today On The Ed Schultz Show

Mayor Virg Bernero of Lansing, MI, joins the 1st hour of Today’s show to discuss President Obama’s plans for GM and Chrysler.

Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-ND, joins the 2nd hour of Today’s show to discuss the federal response to the flood in North Dakota.

Gov. Jennifer Granholm, D-MI, joins the 3rd hour of Today’s show to discuss the Obama plan for the car industry.

The White House is questioning the viability of GM and Chrysler. We’ll bring you the story.

Today On The Thom Hartmann Show

Peter B. Collins filling in for Thom today (Thom is on his way home from Germany)

Topic: Escalating violence in Mexico and the failure of the U.S. war on drugs…is legalization and regulation the answer…Global Exchange Media Fellow John Gibler guests

Topic: “Labor news” – Andrew Sum, Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University, on the “blue collar recession”

This Morning On The Stephanie Miller Show

Jennifer Palmieri, Senior Vice President of Communications for the Center for American Progress, calls in at 7:30am to talk about President Obama’s plans for the auto industry, his economic plan for recovery, and his upcoming Europe trip.

General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner announced his resignation early today, the latest change for the troubled automaker. White House and GM sources told news outlets yesterday that Wagoner would resign as part of the federal government’s bailout strategy for the company.

President Obama said yesterday that his administration remains prepared to order strikes against “high-value” targets within Pakistan. Obama reiterated a previous assertion that the U.S. military would pursue extremists within Pakistan’s borders after consulting with the Pakistani government.

A tightened version of President Obama’s $3.6 trillion budget moved through a key Senate committee Thursday night. The Senate and the House are expected to vote on different versions of the budget next week.

A North Korean rocket slated for launch sometime early next month can be clearly seen in a satellite photograph taken yesterday. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gibbs said yesterday there is little doubt that the planned launch is designed to bolster that country’s military capability.

Residents in Fargo braced for an early spring snow storm today, even as they held their breath while record flood waters receded.

Today On The Thom Hartmann Show

“Brunch With Bernie” U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders


Today On The Ed Schultz Show

Big Eddie is back in studio in Fargo to fight the flood.

Sen. Kent Conrad, D-ND, joins the 1st hour of Today’s show to discuss the flood in ND and the Obama budget.

Sen. Tom Harkin, D-IA, joins the 3rd hour of Today’s show to discuss EFCA and Obama’s plan for healthcare.

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Today On The Thom Hartmann Show

Hour 1: The Best of the rest of the News

Hour 2: Monsanto and the battle for a safe food supply – Thom speaks with Dr. Andrew Bosworth, author of “ The Future of Food, Pills and Sex”

Hour 3: “Underground: My Life with SDS and The Weathermen” activist/author/teacher Mark Rudd joins Thom
Topic: News under the Radar with Christy Harvey