Today On The Ed Schultz Show

Watch Big Eddie’s premier of The Ed Show on MSNBC today at 3:00pm.

Mary Kate Salley, of Free & Clear, Inc, joins the 2nd hour of Today’s show to talk about the tobacco tax.

President Obama is in Turkey for the last leg of his 8 day trip overseas. We’ll bring you the latest.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has put bailed out banks on notice. We’ll bring you the story.

Today On The Thom Hartmann Show

Topic: Is health care around the world than in America? Thom speaks with T.R. Reid about his documentaries “Sick Around the World” and “Sick Around America”

Topic: “Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism” Thom asks author Kevin Phillips how did we get here and how do we fix it?

Topic: The Secret about making your business work. Roy Spence, author of “Its Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For,” joins Thom

This Morning On The Stephanie Miller Show

Winnie Stachelberg, Senior V.P. for External Affairs at The Center for American Progress and former V.P. of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, calls in at 6:30am to discuss Iowa’s ruling on gay marriage.

Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) calls in at 7:06am to talk about her op-ed in the “St. Louis Post Dispatch” on cyber-bullying.

Sharon Gless and Tyne Daly call in at 7:30am for a “Cagney & Lacey” reunion.

Tommy Smothers calls in at 8:30am to discuss life as ½ of The Smothers Brothers and their current tour.

American officials condemned the North Korean launch of a long-range rocket yesterday, with President Obama calling it a “provocative act.” American military sources called the launch a failure because it failed to enter orbit.

President Obama hailed the NATO summit in Europe on Saturday, calling the meeting “very productive” and praising the alliance’s commitment to the fight in Afghanistan.

President Obama is in Turkey today, reaching out to the only Muslim member of NATO to help him wind down the Iraq war and bring stability to the Middle East. He’s also counting on the country to remain a steadfast ally in the Afghanistan conflict.