Today On The Ed Schultz Show

Big Eddie broadcasts today from New York City!

President Obama returns from an 8 day, 6 country overseas trip. We’ll talk about it.

Vice President Biden says Dick Cheney is dead wrong on security policy. We’ll bring you the latest.

Today On The Thom Hartmann Show

Topic: Should Children be taught to kill and skin the Easter Bunny? Are we removed from where our food comes from?

Topic: Peanuts, pistachios and spices are making us sick…do we deserve better from the food industry? Thom confronts Alex Epstein of the Ayn Rand Institute

Topic: “Why the FDA needs a complete overhaul” Jaydee Hanson of the Center for Food Safety joins Thom

Topic: ”Everything You Know is Wrong” “Size 2 For Life”…is this really what women want? Thom challenges fitness experts/authors Ashley Marriott and Marc Paulsen

This Morning On The Stephanie Miller Show

Jenny Pizer, Marriage Project Director for Lambda Legal, calls in at 7:05am to talk about gay marriage in Iowa, Vermont, DC, and California.

President Obama made a surprise trip to Baghdad yesterday, where he had a raucous meeting with several hundred U.S. troops who cheered wildly when he told them it’s time for Iraqis to take responsibility for their country. He also met with his top commander in Iraq, and the president and prime minister of the country.

Vice President Joe Biden said yesterday that his predecessor, Dick Cheney, is “dead wrong” when he says President Obama’s national security policies are making the U.S. less safe. Biden said the exact opposite is true and added that President Bush’s vice president was part of a dysfunctional decision-making system.

Vermont’s House and Senate voted yesterday to override the governor’s veto of a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in the state. This makes Vermont the 4th state to legalize gay marriage.